Thursday, March 22, 2007 |
Creating new potential customers |
Question I am not the owner of a small business but have been just appointed to the Sales & Marketing region of N. Ireland with a view to run this Comapny who have offices in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Turnover of approx 5 million pounds. The major product is a one way air tube system designed to assist a cashier in removing all surplus cash by transporting bank notes, etc. directly into a safe in a secure part of the premises by air vacuum. The cashier loads a canister with surplus cash and inserts it into the send station. The system controls will automatically start and deliver the canister directly into the safe in only a few seconds. The system could be used by most companies who want to secure cash, supermarkets, service stations, convenience stores, public houses, hotels, post offices, etc. Reducing the risk of robbery and the associated risks to staff and customers. My enquiry: Obviously I want to impress the Board of Directors with our first meeting in early January, with some new and different ideas on marketing the product and I would also like to impress upon the Board how to market this product differently and with more success in the future. As the Company has never had representation in N. Ireland before, although there are a few installations, I would really like to get off to an impressive start with some new marketing ideas. Many thanks in anticipation and I trust you will send me a positive reply. Kind Regards, Nobbie
Answer Nobbie, Congratulations on your appointment, best of luck. The marketing strategies that I educate my clients on are different than the norm. Most of what I learned is from I urge you to check out his website, he is responsible for billions of dollars that his programs have earned for small, medium and large companies. The jist of his marketing is this (which I have personally used and my clients). Number 1. Come up with your companies USP (Unique Selling Proposition) that is a simple way to answer this question: Why should I or anyone else in the market for your product buy from you instead of your competition? Your Answer is your USP. An example is Dominos Pizza, they built their billion dollar empire with their USP We'll deliver your pizza in 1/2 hour or it's free! Notice they say nothing about price, quality or anything else except they will get it to you in 1/2 hour. The idea here is to pick one great thing your company is the best at and use that for all of your marketing. Presentations, direct mail, TV, radio etc. Also the use of special reports is essential, the number one thing people look for on the Internet is information, when you provide good solid information people will view you as the expert and buy from you. Price will never be an issue because everyone wants to have access to the expert (you). A special report works like this you would take an ad out in an industry magazine of the market you are trying to reach and offer a special report with eye grabbing headlines something like this: "10 Things you must know before you buy a (name of your system), that the companies don't want you to know". If you were in the market for one of these you would order the report instead of respond to an image ad. Once you have the information of the interested prospect you send them the report along with an offer for a free estimate and presentation of how your company (or system) is far superior to the competition. I know that's alot of info and I hope I explained it well enough for you to understand. If you need a follow up please contact me at, in the mean time check out It works.
Cheers, Dave Wrobel |
posted by azwan.fatahsz @ 8:07 PM  |